Mihir Pathak

Education for me

The starting point of my educational thinking is that there is a crisis in human society at multiple levels: personal, political and environmental.

Personal and social problems are mirrors of each other, and are intimately connected. In other words, human needs and desires have created the social structures we live in today, and any examination of these structures or any attempt to change them must at least begin with an examination of personal, “subjective” emotional patterns.

My basic questions are:

Is there a different way of living, both in personal and in social terms, that is not conflict ridden but essentially peaceful and whole? What role does education have in this process?

When I say “learning,” I don’t only mean academic or text-based learning but an inquiry into the complex daily process of life, thought and emotion.

Education for me :

पारस्परिक सम्बंध के द्वारा उभरते ‘सीखने के अनुभवो’के द्वारा - मानव बाल की सर्जनशीलता, विचारशीलता, संवेदनशीलता और विवेकशीलता खिले और - उन्हें अपनी स्वतंत्रता का अहेसास हो पाए।

मानव बाल का मानसिक, शारीरिक, भावात्मक, मनोक्रियात्मक और चैतसिक विकास ।

Developing - thinking , questioning, learning, sensitive , happy, well adjustable human beings

I want to focus on following learning outcomes :


How to facilitate this kind of education ?

Learning does not happen through teaching; it happens through meeting. — Martin Buber

I believe that transformative learning happens through human relationships, dialogs, powerful experiences & reflections.

Learning can happen through open-ended and open-minded dialogue between individuals. The purpose of these dialogues is not to arrive at a “right” conclusion but to have insight into our conditioning; Learning is a process of skepticism and questioning;

I am passionate about co-creating dialogic spaces with children & young adults. Where we share creative adventures, tools for reflection, and we embark on ‘journey of growth’.

Do you wish to be a genuine teacher? Here is your responsibility: Enter into the being of the person in your student. Accept him/her unconditionally. Create a space around by enabling him to see and remove the pressure of assumptions & beliefs. Encourage to risk flights in the unknown, seamless life. Reflect together on the learning-unlearning from that flight. Enjoy the friendship.

Relationship with facilitator (Sakha - Friend) + Adventures activities

What should be the tools or pedagogy ?

I facilitate transformative learning through tools I have discovered during my journey :

I feel that the most basic learning that can happen is regarding ourselves, our conditioning, the conflicts in our minds and the social expression they have, the nature of our hopes, desires, ambitions and frustrations, and about what it means to live a fundamentally deep and peaceful life. My educational practice is an exploration of these questions.

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