Week 50/2024
7th to 14th Dec 2024 (Saturday to Saturday)
till 10th dec - I was in BLR.
I met children from beme, met namrata, vishal, julie, anuradha aunty, antra, aruma, prakash
It was fun to spend time with 12+ children
I met Abhijit, Answer and Nishant from Project DEFY. Nishant helped me to understand whole ethos of DEFY
I met Aakansha on 10th morning we had talk about grant for next year, our work and future plan
on 12th Dec I met Kavita shah from Neev Shikshan Sansthan
After that I stayed back to Nidhi’s place and worked on DEFY task, Camp planing
I want to start writing for sandarbh. Article about vishvamitri river project, river festival, time exhibition also for strot - nidhi suggested very interesting topic about carrot’s color. And pratika reminded me about the cloud spotting article.
- 14th : we did camp orientation meeting with children and meeting with atul about the inlaks grant