Mihir Pathak | મિહિર પાઠક

Week 25/2025

· Mihir Pathak

From 15th June to 22nd June

health thing

(This update is added on Jan 18th 2025. At that point of time I was not feeling confident and comfortable about putting this in my notes but now I am feeling that I should put it so I can document the important incident of my life. What is the update ? - before weekly note 25, my all the weekly updates were publicly available to read on my website, it is still available but I changed the link path from the home page so now you can only reach to the notes if I share the link with you or you tinker with blog url. In weekly note 24, I mentioned about workplace ‘Pratham’ and about my team lead. I didn’t mentioned the name of any person. Some how my team lead read the post. i don’t know how, I didn’t share it on any social media. she read the post and informed the HR. We had a call with HR about the policy where I can’t mention pratham’s name of or any work related things on my blog. You can read how I was feeling at that point of time in my msg to my team lead after the call.)

#weekly-notes #personal

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