Mihir Pathak | મિહિર પાઠક

Biology of Money

· Mihir Pathak

Summary of Today’s Session

We are not very different from other species.

Our body and brain perceive only a small part of reality, just like the example of a Herring Gull bird focusing on a red dot. We too often see just the “red dot” in many situations. This is why:

What can we do about this?

Signals from our DNA aren’t always good for us. Take surgery, for example. When you undergo surgery, your brain signals pain because it perceives it as a threat. But we use anesthesia to stop the pain and perform surgery for a better future.

Similarly, sometimes we need to ignore signals from our genes and think:

Our DNA might tell us to:

But we need to ask: Really?

Our Nature Can Also Help Us Grow

For example, curiosity, learning, and creation are part of our nature. So, let’s use that to create things that solve real-world problems. This will give us both money and fulfillment.


Money isn’t inherently bad. It’s a system, a mutually agreed-upon concept made by humans to run society. However, like any complex system, it has its flaws.

Why are Money, Status, and People Connected?

Biologically, having more resources means more safety and freedom. Since money provides resources, people tend to respect and give status to those who have it. But this is like focusing only on the red dot – we shouldn’t judge people or choices based solely on money. There are many other factors to consider.

Whether you’re choosing a partner or a career, looking only at money, fame, or status might lead to a downfall. So, think about other aspects too.

We Give Irrational Value to Many Things and Chase After Them

We place irrational value on luxurious bikes, cars, watches, phones, and houses. They become status symbols, and people work hard just to achieve these symbols. This is completely irrational.

But we can change our status symbols. Imagine if these were society’s new status symbols:

Signs of a Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise Society

(Shared by Manish Jain, inspired by Bhutan’s GNH)

What Are Your Indicators of Happiness?

What Makes a Good Society?

A good society is where everyone feels respected and has the opportunity to grow.

Today, on Republic Day, let’s take a pause…

The five basic constitutional values of India, as outlined in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution, are:

  1. Justice – Social, economic, and political justice for all citizens, ensuring fairness and equality in society.
  2. Liberty – Freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship, protecting individual rights and personal freedoms.
  3. Equality – Equal status and opportunity for all, ensuring that everyone is treated without discrimination based on religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.
  4. Fraternity – Promoting a sense of brotherhood and unity among citizens, ensuring dignity for the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation.
  5. Secularism – Ensuring that the state treats all religions equally and does not promote or favor any particular religion.

These values form the foundation of India’s democratic and inclusive system, ensuring the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

Assignment for Everyone

Think about these questions:

Write a short note about these two questions and share it with us within the next 10 days.

Feel free to reach out to us if you want to discuss anything.

Thank you!

Must Do – Videos to Watch and Website to Read:

Anand Gandhi playlist


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