Mihir Pathak | મિહિર પાઠક


· Mihir Pathak

Yesterday evening one of our local khojis called me. She is studying in 10th grade and part of a local khoji program.

She called me to share that she is going to do ‘nature bingo’ and ‘web of life’ activity with her class as part of geography class.

Her teacher gave a task to explain some topics from the textbook in a hands-on manner. This girl took the opportunity to introduce the wonder of nature to her classmates.

She made my day by sharing this.

This is the butterfly effect for me

If you provide a locally relevant direct experiences + provide safe space to flourish Young people can do wonders.

Local khoji and many many other organization and initiatives working with youth, environment, citizenship - are BIG hope for me.

hashtag#natureeducation hashtag#localkhoji hashtag#learningwala


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